Choosing Your Place in the Pages of Progress: Standing on the Right Side of History

It almost seems inconceivable that I’m writing a blog about this right now. 

For decades, since I was a young child, I always heard comments like, “If I were alive during WWII, I would have stood up for the Jews.” And now, Jews are faced with the largest single genocide of their people SINCE the Holocaust, and instead of standing up for the Jews, I’m hearing:

  • Genocide denial
  • Defending the Nazis who did it
  • Reasoning away the deaths and abductions
  • Sympathy for a terrorist group
  • And fear of condemning hate because of being attacked

Wait, is this 1940 again?

So much for “standing up for the Jews,” I guess because your silence is deafening. 

This has absolutely nothing to do with a conflict that’s been happening for 75 years. It has nothing to do with criticizing the Israeli government (every government is deserving of criticism). It has nothing to do with not believing that Palestinians deserve a peaceful and free life (which can be achieved without Hamas). It just has to do with the barbaric massacre and kidnapping of Jews. Period. To insinuate anything else, to silence people’s mourning and outcry, to push your “Free Palestine” agenda on anyone who condemns terror is:

  • Gaslighting
  • Standing on the side of terror
  • ANTISEMITISM (no, you cannot reason away your antisemitism with your “no, it’s anti-zionism comments)

One friend told me she feared speaking out about the horrors of October 7th because she “has friends on the other side and didn’t want to upset them.” 

Pardon me? (This is BEFORE any RIGHTFUL retaliation by Israel.)

You didn’t want to condemn the mass murder of Israelis, the decapitation of babies, the raping of women until their pelvises broke, the kidnapping of women, children, elderly, the burning of Israelis to death, the parading of naked women through the street while shouting Allah Ahkbar because you didn’t want to upset people on the other side? 

If this upsets people “on the other side” (ie. NAZIS) perhaps the “other side” IS ONLY ABOUT KILLING JEWS? It is shocking to me that this even needs to be said and isn’t common sense. Does this really need to be said?! In 2023?! 

I will never forget who remained silent while terrorists massacred and kidnapped Israelis and while people around the world shouted, “Gas the Jews!” and, “Kill the Jews!” and, “Jews are the enemy!” I will never forget who remained silent after performing that they would have done better if it was WWII and they were faced with this cruelty. I will never trust or believe the activism and words of those who hid in the closet while they feared retaliation for standing up for the Jews. 

All the faces of those horrible antisemites carrying disgusting signs and filmed praising terrorists and saying horrendous things about “zionists” (ie. Jews) will exist on the Web forever. The videos of those who tore down posters of kidnapped children will never be forgotten (you have no soul). Goodbye to jobs in law, medicine, social work, and teaching. Who knows how airlines and governments around might treat you (remember how Nazi Sympathizers were trialed after WWII?). Maybe you’ll be jailed? Maybe you’ll be heavily fined? Who knows, but the stain on where you stood will remain on your soul until the day you die, and the karma you’ll carry will be enormous. Maybe you’ll even be famously featured in textbooks like so many smiling Nazis.

Because eventually, these stories will be written in history books. These stories will be told to children and then grandchildren. And I will gladly proclaim who stood on the right side of history and who did not. I will show no mercy for those who were silent. 

Never again is NOW, and you should be embarrassed.

xx C

Post Scriptum: In case this once again triggers someone who clearly just wants Jews to die, first, I have no time for you. And second, you can leave your bias at the door, wish for peace for Palestinians, while simultaneously condemning terrorism and standing up against antisemitism. Life isn’t black and white, so stop living like it is.

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